Artist's Profile: Cy Twombly

In 1962 Cy Twombly (born 1928 in Lexington, Virginia) painted a work that illustrates many of the abiding engagements of his practice. Untitled is divided into two zones by a horizonal line about two thirds of the way up. Across the bottom edge of the canvas, Twombly has scribbled a textual fragment gleaned from the poet Sappho: "But their heart turned cold + they dropped their wings." The phrase, suggesting a hovering between higher and lower realms, conjures up a distant classical realm, even as the grappling, awkward hand renders the words materially present.
The Rider: Arriviste Essentials
Arriviste is going on a world tour. Berlin, Paris, Sicilia, Lisboa...anything is possible. Although I could forward a list of demands longer than James Joyce's Ulysses, I prefer to keep to the essentials (as good help is so hard to find).
Life would be undignified without the following...
1: Power Plate. For in-room workouts

"Turning the Pages of OK! Magazine Is My Cardio."

Une Écharpe : Tie One On

If you've ever purchased a scarf from a street vendor, or God-forbid referred to one as "a muffler" (See what I did there? I'm judging you!), pay close attention to the video found in the title of this post.
From a piazza in Firenze, a gentleman demonstrates how to turn una sciarpa from dowdy cold weather-accessory into sartorial glitter, taking you from domestic to international first-class.
Why remain State-side?
*Click on title to view the video demonstration.
Video courtesy of www.thesartorialist.blogspot.com
La Dolce Vita: Holiday Italian-Style

Vacation: verb ex. The Italians Vacation Better Than You Do
Ragazzi, it is a lifestyle, and like any lifestyle, it requires committment. The science of summering is an art, so begin by using vacation and summer as verbs. Verbs require action, and below I will outline the basic tenets of summering well. Read on...
If you're fortunate enough to have a complexion the colour of gilded Roman coins such as I (so lucky!), you may move ahead to the next section. If, however, your "tan" is more akin in colour to the boiled crustaceans that the Nicoise are so fond of, read my previous post outlining the basics of tanning. It is important to use an SPF of 30: allowing just enough sun into the dermis to be kissed with colour, without looking like the victim of permanent microdermabrasion. Also important is the use of an apres-sun moisturizer. While the sea water is excellent for the skin, the salt and sun will leave you parched. Try In Fiore's body oils for soft skin and a sexy scent:
Food & Wine
You've been a disciplined little beast all year long. This is your reward. Italy has some of the greatest cuisine in the world, so enjoy it. Begin the day with a caffe macchiato, shying away from heavy, milky drinks such as lattes and cappuccinos. If you must eat breakfast, be decadent. Gelato is an absolutely acceptable (and highly encouraged) breakfast staple.
As important as what ones does at the beach, is which beach and sea one chooses. I prefer the Mediterranean for its high algae and salt content, both of which are excellent for the skin. Don't treat this decision lightly. Choose erroneously and you may wind up on the Italian version of Jones Beach. I know. Deep breaths. This is why you read my blog.
An excellent choice for the well-heeled (read: me and soon, perhaps YOU!) is Portofino. Situated just far enough from the tourist meccas of Tuscany to keep the Beckys and Diannes away, this is Italian Riviera life done to the nines. Keep in mind that it is important to have a yacht on which to base yourself (also, in which to stock your Beluga caviar and Dom). If you don't have a yacht or an invitation to one, good luck scrambling amongst the jagged rocks in a futile (and funny for those of us pointing and laughing) attempt to find a stretch of beach on which to toss your carcass. If Valentino sees you, you may be instructed to don black lace and join the old widows who spend their days scouring the cobblestone streets, so that the rest of us may wear our loafers unscuffed.
Allora. What are you waiting for? The Italians are already on their loungers, soaking in il sole.
Buon viaggio!
A Model's Best Kept Secret